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July 30, 2010

Hi <> (You busy bee)!

Hope you're easing into the start of a fabulous weekend. It's been an crazy busy (read: overly stimulating) couple of weeks around here.

I'm busy working on developing powerful new products for your best life transformation, but what I NEED to know is what you really WANT!

So, if you will take 1 minute to fill out this quick SHORT survey (only 7 questions):

Take the survey

...I will give you one of the biggest KEYS to weight loss motivation as a valuable free gift... as my THANK YOU for your treasured, appreciated, valued honesty.

I want to be able to offer what YOU WANT... and nothing you don't want.

Thanks for your input!

Here's to enjoying some downtime and soaking in a lazy summer day here and there, too. Ahhhhhh. Even bees need to rest now and then.

Cheers and Love,

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You truly are a beautiful light being and I love helping you shine even more brightly. Be the shining star you are!


* Gain Confidence, Get Healthy, Go for Your Dreams! *

Ginette King
Confident Vision Living LLC, 700 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 199, Larkspur, CA USA

Copyright (C) 2010 *Confident Vision Living LLC* All rights reserved.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life
you have imagined. — Henry David Thoreau