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July 8, 2010

Hello Your Royal Fabulousness!

Just a quick note today to give us some space to ask ourselves a bold question.

But before that... Make sure you don't miss the news below and get your free ebook. Maybe ponder the joys of a nibble of chocolate, too.

OK. Time for a look-yourself-in-the-mirror honest question.

What are you waiting for?


What is it that you're expecting to happen, fall in your lap, walk in the door, ring you up, come in the mail, or magically appear to you in a vision with butterflies and bluebirds?

The perfect romance?
The motivation to exercise?
A great plot so you can write your book?
A million dollars?
A brilliant idea so you can start a business?

Oh not me, you say.

Really? Funny how you act like that's what you're expecting.

You haven't taken any action toward making it happen, so it sure seems like you're waiting.

Let's get 100% real here. What's truly lurking in our brains?

Do we have a half-baked notion that we're going to get rescued somehow? Or that we can get what we want without work, research, time invested, without making a mistake, taking a risk, investing in ourselves, or committing to it happening?

Well, frankly... yes. Yes, we do [said self-righteously with my hands on my hips].

I'm not saying this happens because of the movies or fairytales or any of those things (hasn't done us any favors, though), but wherever the notion comes from, it does not serve us well.

Because eventually, one day, when we're washing dishes at the kitchen sink or absentmindedly perusing the zucchini selection at the farmer's market, it dawns on us that it is not going to happen.

What we've secretly longed for, daydreamed about, pondered, even planned for (in a passive one-day kind of way), is not going to happen.

At least not the way we've been going. Doing absolutely nothing about it, it's not going to happen. And that is a TERRIBLE feeling. Because the longer time has gone on, the more the agony of that will be compounded by the sinking feeling that we've wasted a lot of time.

So... decide what you want to do about it. You have a lot more control over your life than you think!

If you accomplished one personal thing in your life before you die, what would it be?


Are you taking action on it right now? If not, why not?

There are no guarantees of tomorrow. It makes your heart beat truer and faster for a reason; follow the clues and start on it now.

And that's all I've got to say about that.

Cheers and Love,

Self-Doubt Smackdown! eBook

The Self-Doubt Smackdown! Break Free and Reset Your Confidence Button eBook is now available to anyone who joins the newsletter list. And since you’re on the list you get a free copy, too!

Download your book from this page to get the PDF.

Chocolate and Weight Loss Workshop

Chocolate AND weight loss? Why not?

Join us on Thursday, August 26, from 6:30 - 9 pm at the sinfully fabulous Viva Cocolat chocolate and dessert cafe in downtown Petaluma.

Only 18 spaces, so book early to reserve your seat (oh, yeah, and your chocolate)! : )

Details here.

Make it happen! I'm cheering you on all the way.

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You truly are a beautiful light being and I love helping you shine even more brightly. Be the shining star you are!


* Gain Confidence, Get Healthy, Go for Your Dreams! *

Ginette King
Confident Vision Living LLC, 700 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 199, Larkspur, CA USA

Copyright (C) 2010 *Confident Vision Living LLC* All rights reserved.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life
you have imagined. — Henry David Thoreau