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July 22, 2010

Hi <>!

Anyone else out there having a stressful week?

I'm not sure why (Jupiter in retrograde? Overscheduled?) but I've felt tested the last few days.

As with most challenges, I choose to see this an another opportunity to make better choices. It's a gift when we're reminded of what gets under our skin so we can practice enough until it no longer "pushes our buttons" and then we're free.

So thank you, higher being, I'm continually improving (and earning lots of points for mixed metaphors - ha).

We're all familiar with stress. But I just remembered something I used to know.

I'm overlooking an enormous aid to help me take a breather, regroup, and take the stress level down a notch:

Alkaline foods!

Cucumbers, zucchini, celery, fresh lettuces, many fruits - yum! Perfect for summer and for eating and feeling lighter. Simply by eating more fresh veggies and fruits we reduce our acidic (stress-forming) DISTRESS in our lives (that's the bad stress).

Eustress is the good positive stress we want in our lives like when we feel compelled to finish a satisfying workout or shop to find a new pair of shoes (ladies, you know who you are).

We get plenty of DIStress in our lives with negative thoughts, time crunched schedules, lack of sleep, nutritional deficiencies, and the overstimulation of electronics.

Help your body REGAIN balance not compound the problem with acidic-forming LOW nutrition based (so-called) foods like sugar, refined bread products, and white rice which stress you out even more, hook you, then trap you with cravings into eating them over and over again.

Acid/Alkaline Food Chart example

As I write this I'm eating a giant green salad with butter lettuce, cucumber, celery, hemp seeds, and black sesame seeds. I used to eat this almost every day and loved it, but lately I've been on the go and eating more haphazardly. Time to get back to the good stuff! I must admit, I'm feeling a little calmer already.

Deep breath.

Raw Zucchini Hummus

So with light and healthy calming summer fare in mind, here's a delicious raw zucchini hummus that is easy to make and absolutely yummy! Peel the skins for a proper hummus look, otherwise leave them on and enjoy all that vitamin goodness! So what if it's green? That's a GOOD thing.

Use up all that excess zucchini from your garden! Just minutes in the food processor and you have a creamy healthy dip for your veggie sticks, to scoop onto a lettuce leaf, or to use as a healthy sauce or spread.

Raw Zucchini Hummus Recipe

Let's both promise to go relax for a few minutes now, OK? Deal.

Cheers and Love,

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You truly are a beautiful light being and I love helping you shine even more brightly. Be the shining star you are!


* Gain Confidence, Get Healthy, Go for Your Dreams! *

Ginette King
Confident Vision Living LLC, 700 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 199, Larkspur, CA USA

Copyright (C) 2010 *Confident Vision Living LLC* All rights reserved.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life
you have imagined. — Henry David Thoreau