Emotional Health Resources

Sometimes we appreciate the support of a good book that puts it all in perspective for us and guides us gently along on our healthy journeys.

Enjoy the following nurturing emotional health books when you're up for a good read!

Finding Joy: 75 Ways to Free Your Spirit and Dance with Life by Charlotte Davis Kasl, PhD
This book changed my life when it first came out. You know how sometimes the right book finds you at the right time? This was that one for me. Helped me shift to a more playful fun way of living instead of the life-is-hard mentality I lived before.

There Is Nothing Wrong With You by Cheri Huber
I stumbled upon this gem of a book and literally could not put it down in the bookstore. The words seeped deeply into me and I felt vulnerable and extremely uncomfortable. But I knew there was magic in it and I instantly loved it. Handwritten-type font, informal look and cut-to-the-heart style make it real and personal.

Relax, You're Already Perfect by Bruce D Schneider
Bruce's gentle and loving approach makes for a powerful read and the stories really bring the messages home.

Radical Happiness by Gina Lake
Wonderful book about how to make life easier and freer. Not only is the information clearly spelled out and practical, but Gina's loving authentic voice shines through.

Gifts From The Child Within by Barbara Sinor, PhD
Powerful book that gets to the core of what influences under the surface resulting from all kinds of childhood abuse at every level — physical, mental, emotional, sexual — and how to heal and move forward psychologically.

ADDICTION - What's Really Going On? by Deborah Mccloskey and Barbara Sinor
An inside look at what is at the core of addiction — all kinds of addiction. Most of us either know someone who has been touched by this or have experienced it ourselves. Seems like something we should all understand better.

If you of other books or emotional health resources that changed your life, please let me know so I can check them out. Thanks!

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